Zabbix Running on Low Memory Mode

Hey folks, another Zabbix post today. This one it's about increasing the Zabbix Server Cache. It's pretty common (if you have the default settings only) get a warning about your Zabbix value cache running on low memory mode at your dashboard or logs.

Zabbix Dashboard warning about the memory problem Zabbix Dashboard cache graph 70% used

To solve, go back to your Zabbix config file (zabbix_server.conf) and look for the tag CacheSize. Uncomment it and set to a value bigger than 8M (8M it's the default value). In my case, we set a cache of 100M. After the change, restart the service.

### Option: CacheSize
#       Size of configuration cache, in bytes.
#       Shared memory size for storing host, item and trigger data.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 128K-64G
# Default:
CacheSize=100M #uncomment this line

Zabbix Dashboard resolved memory problem

See ya folks.
