Hey folks, another Zabbix post today. This one it's about increasing the Zabbix Server Cache. It's pretty common (if you have the default settings only) get a warning about your Zabbix value cache running on low memory mode
at your dashboard or logs.
To solve, go back to your Zabbix config file (zabbix_server.conf
) and look for the tag CacheSize. Uncomment it and set to a value bigger than 8M (8M it's the default value). In my case, we set a cache of 100M. After the change, restart the service.
### Option: CacheSize
# Size of configuration cache, in bytes.
# Shared memory size for storing host, item and trigger data.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 128K-64G
# Default:
CacheSize=100M #uncomment this line
See ya folks.